Open Date Type Amount Symbol Open Price Close Date Close Price P/L No. Pips
30/01/2024 12:28 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2035.47 Still Open 0 0 0
01/02/2024 03:29 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2046.63 Still Open 0 0 0
01/02/2024 08:05 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2040.09 Still Open 0 0 0
02/02/2024 00:47 Sell 0.01 GBP/USD 1.27535 02/02/2024 13:36 1.26856 6.79 679
05/02/2024 05:30 Buy 0.02 XAU/USD 2031.62 06/02/2024 15:09 2033 2.76 138
05/02/2024 12:08 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2026.24 06/02/2024 07:09 2027.51 1.27 127
06/02/2024 15:19 Sell 0.02 XAU/USD 2036 07/02/2024 12:38 2032.05 7.90 395
07/02/2024 12:38 Buy 0.02 XAU/USD 2031.92 07/02/2024 14:43 2039 14.16 708
07/02/2024 19:51 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2035.41 08/02/2024 08:29 2031 4.41 441
08/02/2024 10:26 Sell 0.02 XAU/USD 2037.5 08/02/2024 11:36 2028.63 17.74 887
08/02/2024 11:36 Buy 0.02 XAU/USD 2028.56 08/02/2024 18:02 2035 12.88 644
08/02/2024 11:36 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2028.67 08/02/2024 12:06 2027 1.67 167
08/02/2024 13:19 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2025.79 09/02/2024 09:43 2032.9 7.11 711
09/02/2024 09:43 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2033.14 23/02/2024 17:00 2039 5.86 586
09/02/2024 12:36 Buy 0.02 XAU/USD 2030 21/02/2024 05:39 2031.29 2.58 129
12/02/2024 11:06 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2020.37 13/02/2024 07:00 2023.74 3.37 337
13/02/2024 06:59 Buy 0.02 XAU/USD 2023.84 13/02/2024 11:25 2029 10.32 516
20/02/2024 08:50 Buy 0.05 XAU/USD 2022.25 20/02/2024 10:47 2027 23.75 475
20/02/2024 11:50 Sell 0.02 XAU/USD 2025.59 Still Open 0 0 0
21/02/2024 05:40 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2031 21/02/2024 13:02 2030.04 0.96 96
21/02/2024 13:02 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2029.89 28/02/2024 10:00 2025 4.89 489
23/02/2024 16:48 Sell 0.02 XAU/USD 2038.5 28/02/2024 10:00 2025 27.00 1350
23/02/2024 17:03 Sell 0.02 XAU/USD 2039.5 23/02/2024 19:27 2038.73 1.54 77
28/02/2024 11:28 Buy 0.01 XAU/USD 2027.6 28/02/2024 14:04 2037 9.40 940
Trades: 20 (0.330000) Sharpe Ratio: 0.96
Profit Trades: 20 (0.330000) Long Trades: 12
Loss Trades: 0 (0) Short Trades: 12
Best trade: 27.00 Worst trade: 0
Gross Profit 166.36 (9892 Pips) Gross Loss 0 (0 Pips)
Maximum consecutive wins: 0.330000 (166.36) From 20 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0 (0) From 0 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 27.00 (0.020000) Maximal consecutive loss: 0 (0)
Average Profit: 10.86 Average Loss: 0.00
Absolute: 0.00 Maximal: 0.00 %

Best trade: 27.00 Worst trade: 0
Maximum consecutive wins: 0.330000 (166.36) From 20 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0 (0) From 0 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 27.00 (0.020000) Maximal consecutive loss: 0 (0)
Absolute: 0 By Balance: 0
Maximal: 0 By Equity: 0

What's up 9894673539


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