Open Date Type Amount Symbol Open Price Close Date Close Price P/L No. Pips
27/05/2024 03:38 Sell 0.01 EUR/USD 1.0847 29/05/2024 17:02 1.08136 3.34 334
29/05/2024 17:02 Buy 0.02 EUR/USD 1.08133 30/05/2024 14:32 1.08373 4.80 240
30/05/2024 14:32 Sell 0.02 EUR/USD 1.08371 07/06/2024 12:36 1.08332 0.78 39
31/05/2024 12:58 Sell 0.03 EUR/USD 1.08807 05/06/2024 17:34 1.08637 5.10 170
03/06/2024 09:59 Sell 0.1 EUR/USD 1.08342 07/06/2024 12:36 1.08332 1.00 10
03/06/2024 12:25 Sell 0.1 EUR/USD 1.08464 07/06/2024 12:34 1.08435 2.90 29
03/06/2024 15:25 Sell 0.2 EUR/USD 1.08854 05/06/2024 17:34 1.08637 43.40 217
06/06/2024 03:38 Sell 0.15 EUR/USD 1.08906 07/06/2024 12:30 1.086 45.90 306
07/06/2024 12:57 Buy 0.02 EUR/USD 1.08373 12/06/2024 17:34 1.08377 0.08 4
10/06/2024 11:14 Buy 0.03 EUR/USD 1.07451 12/06/2024 13:18 1.08242 23.73 791
12/06/2024 13:19 Sell 0.02 EUR/USD 1.08246 13/06/2024 11:24 1.07923 6.46 323
13/06/2024 11:25 Buy 0.02 EUR/USD 1.07924 04/07/2024 03:42 1.07846 -1.56 78
13/06/2024 16:48 Buy 0.01 EUR/USD 1.0735 04/07/2024 03:42 1.07846 4.96 496
14/06/2024 03:33 Buy 0.01 EUR/USD 1.074 04/07/2024 03:42 1.07846 4.46 446
14/06/2024 03:34 Buy 0.01 EUR/USD 1.07403 04/07/2024 03:42 1.07846 4.43 443
14/06/2024 06:13 Buy 0.01 EUR/USD 1.07308 04/07/2024 03:42 1.07846 5.38 538
04/07/2024 03:43 Sell 0.03 EUR/USD 1.07845 Still Open 0 0 0
04/07/2024 06:54 Sell 0.01 EUR/USD 1.07905 Still Open 0 0 0
04/07/2024 06:55 Sell 0.01 EUR/USD 1.0789 Still Open 0 0 0
04/07/2024 06:56 Sell 0.01 EUR/USD 1.07912 Still Open 0 0 0
04/07/2024 06:57 Sell 0.01 XAU/USD 2355.95 04/07/2024 07:05 2355.33 0.62 62
11/07/2024 13:26 Sell 0.1 EUR/USD 1.08872 Still Open 0 0 0
Trades: 17 (0.770000) Sharpe Ratio: 0.54
Profit Trades: 16 (0.750000) Long Trades: 8
Loss Trades: 1 (0.020000) Short Trades: 14
Best trade: 45.90 Worst trade: -1.56
Gross Profit 157.34 (4448 Pips) Gross Loss -1.56 (78 Pips)
Maximum consecutive wins: 0.700000 (137.49) From 11 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0 (0) From 0 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 45.90 (0.150000) Maximal consecutive loss: 0 (0)
Average Profit: 23.06 Average Loss: -1.56
Absolute: 0.00 Maximal: -0.14 %

Best trade: 45.90 Worst trade: -1.56
Maximum consecutive wins: 0.700000 (137.49) From 11 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0 (0) From 0 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 45.90 (0.150000) Maximal consecutive loss: 0 (0)
Absolute: 0 By Balance: 0
Maximal: -0.1371440628049477358042708100 By Equity: 0

In this We Trade only EURUSD Low Returns with low risk Broker - Margin Technologies Telegram Contact- @marginfxadmin


Hybrid Solutions is the VertexFX trading platform vendor, provides technology only for the financial institutes and does not have any intervention in any financial role or in the trading cycle. Hybrid Solutions clears its responsibility from any financial institute's behavior. Choose your broker wisely and seek independent advice if necessary.