Open Date Type Amount Symbol Open Price Close Date Close Price P/L No. Pips
26/11/2019 07:34 Sell 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.04 26/11/2019 07:37 120.04 0.00 0
26/11/2019 07:35 Sell 0.1 EUR/AUD 1.6243 26/11/2019 07:37 1.6245 -1.36 2
26/11/2019 07:37 Sell 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.02 26/11/2019 07:42 120.04 -2.00 2
26/11/2019 07:41 Sell 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.03 26/11/2019 07:42 120.04 -1.00 1
26/11/2019 07:42 Buy 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.04 26/11/2019 07:52 120.04 0.00 0
26/11/2019 07:43 Buy 0.1 EUR/CHF 1.0993 26/11/2019 07:52 1.0991 -2.00 20
26/11/2019 07:51 Buy 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.05 26/11/2019 07:52 120.04 -1.00 1
26/11/2019 07:52 Buy 0.1 EUR/JPY 120.05 Still Open 0 0 0
Trades: 5 (0.500000) Sharpe Ratio: -1.15
Profit Trades: 0 (0) Long Trades: 4
Loss Trades: 5 (0.500000) Short Trades: 4
Best trade: 0 Worst trade: -2.00
Gross Profit 0 (0 Pips) Gross Loss -7.36 (26 Pips)
Maximum consecutive wins: 0 (0) From 0 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0.300000 (-4.36) From 3 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 0 (0) Maximal consecutive loss: -2.00 (0.100000)
Average Profit: 0.00 Average Loss: -1.47
Absolute: -221.50 Maximal: -0.19 %

Best trade: 0 Worst trade: -2.00
Maximum consecutive wins: 0 (0) From 0 Trades Maximum consecutive losses: 0.300000 (-4.36) From 3 Trades
Maximal consecutive profit: 0 (0) Maximal consecutive loss: -2.00 (0.100000)
Absolute: -221.50 By Balance: 0
Maximal: -0.1903705272357162249351288700 By Equity: 0



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